Tuesday, August 31, 2010

September the 4th.

According to Register.com on September the 4th. my website http://www,lenkowitz.com will disappear.
If I agree to spend some more money with them then they will keep me around. Sounds like a form of blackmail to me.
The site that they have provided has not been the most useful. It's hard to update and the "custom" sites they provide are simplistic and almost silly in my opinion.
I'm going to have to resort to something more sophisticated and professionally developed in order to better show the world the work I'm doing.
Did I mention that I'm sceptical of the value of a website in the first place. How many of them are actually of any value to the "owner"?
For the time being the blog your looking at right now will be the forum for new work. Stay tuned, there will be a new site in time.

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