Monday, November 19, 2007

My appologies to John Chervinsky...

In my most recent post I made rather derogatory remarks about the scientific accomplishments of John Chervinsky based on what I thought I had heard him say at the University of Houston on this past Thursday (11-14-2007).
John has set me straight.

He has an Electrical Engineering degree and he has participated in publishing at least seven scientific papers. He is in fact doing real science. His scientific work is far ranging and current in it's application.

To his great credit he has also produced a body of photographic work that is widely regarding as new and interesting work (

This is a rare accomplishment for someone who has also been as active in his professional career and speaks to John's work ethic, his talent and determination. John's work can been seen at the web site listed above.
My sincere apology to John for my failure to secure accurate information before my rant.

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