Thursday, December 12, 2013

David in his Studio...

 This was the first time David let me take his picture.
I had made a trip to Bethlehem Ct. to visit him in his home.
It's located on "Main St." but that really is inaccurate because the house sits on a small piece of property in the woods. He lives by himself in what were Spartan conditions.  I think this was the result of having to be very mindful of his money all his working life. He truly lived the life of the 'starving artist'. I'm not sure it was as much by choice as it was self preservation. I'm sure life was not easy for a man who told me on more than one occasion that he had no interest in business.
His life was invested in his art.
We were sitting in the front room of the house at a table that doubled as a desk.
I asked if he would mind if I took a few pictures. He agreed and I went and got the camera.
He was looking at the camera as I started to push the button, after no more that 6 or 7 frames he said, "that's enough" and we were done. Then he asked me why I had a yellow filter on the lens if I was shooting panchromatic film. I had been taking pictures out doors in Texas and the filter was to improve the contrast in the sky. Apparently, the fact that I had forgotten to remove it before I photographed him was a major mistake on my part according to David.
He had just finished work on a self produced book of pictures he and his second wife, Ann Treer, had
taken while on a Fulbright grant in Brazil.

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