Friday, October 16, 2009

Another day and more dust and Money...

The dust is everywhere, the Money is out the door.
I really shouldn't complain because the money is being spent on Cathy and me in a space we'll use for a lot of years to come, if the gods are willing.

Side note: How do we know that the polytheists where wrong? Maybe it's the monotheists that have it all screwed up? The monotheists certainly have built a bureaucracy that would lead you to believe that they aren't very interested in the spiritual.
In any event the kitchen gods are going to be pleased, I hope. If he likes the tile we finally pick out. This weekend we need to come to a decision on a sink and tile for the "back splash" and behind the stove. It takes some real talent to convince a mathematician that your artistic sense is a good one and sometimes it is.

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