Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The trip to Mom's house...

This past Friday I flew to DTW to visit my Mother for her 85th birthday. The date of her natal anniversary is actually November 4th.
I'm happy to report that she's doing okay, not great, but not bad.
She lives alone and that's a problem just as it would be for anyone. It was her choice and I'm convinced that she really had not thought it through. she has always been a very out going and social person and even though she lives in a "retirement community" where there are hundreds of people, she is still very much alone.
Her health is generally good, there are the various odd problems that are not uncommon in someone her age, but other wise she's not bad off.
We didn't do much except "hang out" together. My Sisters wanted to know what I wanted to do, and I told them, I'm here to visit with Mom.
I was lucky to be in Michigan at a time when the scenery was beautiful. The leaves had turned but they had not yet given up their hold, as you can see.
Maybe it's all the "changes" that we have been dealing with lately but I find myself thinking a lot about the "future".
I should really follow Lucy's advice to Charlie Brown when she told him, "Relax and don't think so much".
I should get on with MY work.
Oh and by the way, the new baby is another boy. Due in March.

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